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Moderate a Panel Discussion

This project addresses the skills needed to successfully moderate a panel discussion and how to be an effective participant on a panel.


Purpose: The purpose of this project is to apply your skills as a public speaker and leader to facilitate a panel discussion.


Overview: Plan and moderate a 20- to 40-minute panel discussion. The panel discussion can be on any topic and may take place at a club meeting or outside of Toastmasters with the approval of your vice president education. Toastmasters who participate as panelists do not receive credit in Toastmasters Pathways. When you have the opportunity, volunteer to act as a panelist for another member completing this project.


This project includes:

â–   Planning and moderating a 20- to 40-minute panel discussion

â–   The Panelist Basics resource

â–   The Project Completion Form


ANJE - Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários

R. de Paulo da Gama, 4150-589 Porto


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