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Reaching Consensus

This project focuses on reaching consensus and the importance of including all group members in the decisionmaking process.


Purpose: The purpose of this project is to work with a group to practice reaching consensus on any topic.


Overview: Apply the techniques described in the project to practice leading a group of people toward consensus at a club meeting in 20 minutes. Choose a topic that will offer you and your group a challenge, but avoid topics that you know are unlikely to reach consensus in the timeframe. (Note: It is ok if you cannot reach consensus in 20 minutes.) Then, give a 2- to 3-minute closing statement on the experience or the decision.


You may also choose to lead a non-Toastmasters group toward consensus. Apply the techniques described in the project. Choose a topic that will offer you and your group a challenge. At a club meeting, deliver a 5- to 7-minute speech about the experience. Your speech can be persuasive, humorous, informational, or crafted in any style that appeals to you and supports your speech content. Submit your signed Project Completion Form to the vice president education.


This project includes:

â–   Leading a non-Toastmasters group toward consensus

â–   A 5- to 7-minute speech

â–   The Project Completion Form

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